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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Dust to Dust by Chris Roberson

Title: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep: Dust to Dust
Author: Chris Roberson
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Robert Adler

I picked this up, in my sweet, blind innocence, thinking it was simply the graphic version of Philip Dick's novel. It isn't (hence the 'dust to dust' subtitle!), and I was actually glad I made the mistake because I might not have checked it out of the library had I realized it, and then i would have missed a really entertaining read.

This is actually a prequel to the novel, and while I realize that that might sound like sacrilege to Dick purists, I had no problem with it. It features an android partnered with an empath, trying to track down rogue androids, believe it or not! Malcolm Reed (shades of Star Trek Enterprise!) is the empath, and the CV version of the android has the totally uninspired name of Charlie Victor. seriosuly? Did nobody in his acquaintance actually notice that?!

One of the main characters is a really interesting Asian girl who is a scientist, and who ahs the equally uninspired name of Samantha Wu, but how cool is it that we have a female scientist? She's studying issues related to why animals, but not human animals, are slowly but surely becoming extinct. She's unaware that her assistant is an android, and despite her impressive scientific credentials, she cannot fathom why this female android would want to kidnap her....

I can't tell you any more because this was only volume one! I decided to pick up volume 2 and follow up on this story, but it turned out to be a bust - nowhere near as entertaining as the first volume, so I guess I'm done here. I do recommend volume one, though. Maybe you'll like the follow-ups better than I did.