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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Rant by Chuck Palahniuk

Title: Rant
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday
Rating: WARTY!

This might sound crazy or even hypocritical from someone who wrote a whack-ass novel like Baker Street, but I just could not get into Rant at all. I didn't find it entertaining, and that format typically doesn't work for me - the "snippet" format, where there are bits and pieces cobbled together. I much prefer a traditional story. I loved the movie Carrie, but I didn't like the book it was taken from, written by Stephen King, because it was in that same kind of format - diary entries, newspaper clippings, and so on.

This is supposed to be an oral history of the titular serial killer, and even the snippet format would have worked had it offered some entertainment value, but there was none. It consisted of nothing more than people I don't know and have no reason to respect or care for making what they thought were deep and smart-ass remarks, all of which fell flat for me, and none of which really had anything to do with the purported topic anyway. The only thing I really read here was Chuck Palahniuk dictating to us how 'hip' and 'kewl' he must be whilst preening himself with a fountain pen. Or was that a vomiting pen?

I couldn't even finish listening to the first disk in the audio book, and the female voice was nothing but irritating, which made the text that much more grating on the ear. It would also help if the audio book people could agree on how to pronounce the author's name! I got two different pronunciations in two different audio books. I cannot recommend this based on what I heard.