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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

HIIT It! by Gina Harney

Title: HIIT It!
Author: Gina Harney
Publisher: Demos Health
Rating: WORTHY!

DISCLOSURE: Unlike the majority of reviews in this blog, I've neither bought this book nor borrowed it from the library. This is a "galley" copy ebook, supplied by Net Galley. I'm not receiving (nor will I expect to receive or accept) remuneration for this review. The chance to read a new novel is reward aplenty!

The HIIT It! invitation on the cover refers to high intensity interval training, not to hitting on the woman in the picture! Normally I review only fiction on my blog, but I'm seriously in need of some aerobic exercise - more than I get already, that is - and I thought this would be a good way to combine both blogging and my own personal agenda! Evil ain't I?!

I wasn't disappointed. Naturally with a book like this, you can't simply review it and let it go. With a novel, you can tell if it's working as you read it, but with a book like this, a proper review would give feedback about whether the information and techniques in here actually provided any benefit in the real world - that's part of the review after all! All I can advise you on at this point is whether the book appears to deliver value, and the answer to that is yes, as far as I can gage without having pursued a several-month course doing what the book advocates. I'll get back to you on that part of it at a later date!

In terms of value, what the book does deliver is detailed information on what this is all about, including work-out plans for minutes, days, and months, along with detailed information about what's going on in your body (or what isn't, if you don't exercise!), about muscle groups, about how to work this into your schedule, how to even split the minimal 30 minutes into smaller time-slots and still get something back, about the best time of day for work-outs, about safety and exercising smartly - including what to do with your work-outs if you're sick - what to eat and what not to, copious work-out plans, and the latter portion of the book includes recipes - and it doesn't diss by omission gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian diets either, as too many of these books seem to do, so major kudos for that. It includes photographs showing positioning and technique. I don't doubt that I've missed many things from this list, but it ought to give you a good idea of what's delivered.

All-in-All, there appears to be everything here that you need to get going - all that's missing is your own will to do what this book suggests; as always, that's all on you! Plus, Gina Harney is an author who gets that it's bicepS! I could name a score of YA authors who could benefit from reading this just for the anatomy lesson! I recommend this book.