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Monday, September 22, 2014

I Need a New Butt by Dawn McMillan

Title: I Need a New Butt
Author: Dawn McMillan
Publisher: Dover Publications
Rating: WORTHY!

Warmly illustrated by Ross Kinnaird, who is evidently really behind with his artwork....

I know, it's really sad, but I was so entertained by this, and no buts....

I mean how can you not like the idea? I could hardly believe it was written by a woman, but then why the hell not? She obviously knows on which side her bread is butt-ered, and a woman can be a gluteus for punishment just like a man.... I was honestly quite impressed by her creativity, and I don't think she's bottomed-out yet, so I'd love to read something by her which is written with a more mature (but equally playful) aspect, to which she will no doubt respond tush-hey! I'm sure that Dawn McMillan isn't one to sit-upon her laurels....

The story line is hilarious to begin with, yet it keeps on backing out new ideas each one as rib-tickling (or as warped) as the last. Ross Kinnaird's drawings are in a class of their own - they'll never be confused with great works of art, but he obviously got all the poop on this project because he's captured the story perfectly. Some of the pictures all-butt had me set back on my haunches with tears running down my er, cheeks. But maybe that's just me.

The whole idea was as hilarious as it was preposterous, so I confess I did come into this already already biased towards the writer and artist, and they did not let me down, either one of them. Of course, I'm way to old for this kind of a book, but that didn't prevent me from maximizing my enjoyment and having some fun with it.

Admittedly this advice is all a posteriori, but I recommend this for a bit of guilty fun. Strike that: for a lot of guilty fun! There! I said it! Butt Out!