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Monday, October 13, 2014

Dress Up Day by Tina Marie Kaht

Title: Dress Up Day
Author: Tina Marie Kaht
Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing (Amazon)
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by beautifully by Hatice Bayramoglu

Dress Up Day is a warm, fun adventurous children's picture-book story about what every kid already loves to do - dress up and become someone else! No doubt they will love some of the ideas and "costumes" featured here. I personally love the fire department with red buckets on the fire-fighter's heads!

Unlike in real life where we don't always get what we want, on dress up day you can be anything or anyone: an artist, a chef, a doctor, a farmer, a firefighter, a music performer, a pilot, a policeman, a princess, or a teacher, or anything else you choose. You can be just like mom or dad, or your guardian or sibling, or aunt or uncle, grandparent, next-door-neighbor or someone you just saw in the street! Or you can be completely different. You can even make up your own career. It's entirely between you and your imagination and only an charlatan would try to predict the outcome when those two start going at it....

The text is short and sweet - extra sweet in fact, since it's in verse. Not inverse, just in verse. No, not Justin Verse, simply poetic. There! All kinds of kids are shown pursuing all kinds of kidly careers, and being paid in nothing but fun, the main currency in kidville. My only concern is how far a parent will get through this story book before the kids are running off wanting to dress up themselves, but that's your problem. I don't want to know about it! My kids have grown a bit (although not completely, I confess) beyond dress up.


So what's to be done with a book like this? Well, share it with your kids, let them dress up in whatever they want, and then join in. You know you can't beat 'em (it's illegal!) so join 'em!