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Friday, November 21, 2014

That's How Much I Love You by Lisa, Olivia, Emma & Jack Bergren

Title: That's How Much I Love You
Author: Lisa, Olivia, Emma & Jack Bergen
Publisher: Bergen Creative Group (no website found)
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Kathryn E Mills

Not to be confused with Julie Rudi's children's book of the same name (which I have not read, but about which I've heard good things), this is a young children's book which features a discussion between mommie dog and toddler dog, revolving around who loves the other more. I think mom wins! This book boasts charming illustrations in direct support of the text, which are crisply-drawn, yet softly-colored, some of them in tones reminiscent of sepia prints, but all of them quite colorful, which adds to the warmth.

Mom unleashes a tour de force of comparisons, some of which might come in handy for you to tell your young loved one. How many trees are in the forest? Well, sadly fewer than there used to be these days, but still a huge number! How many raindrops are in a cloud? Woah! A staggering number! How many waves on the ocean? Far too many to count even if you could freeze-frame the ocean to begin with. And more and more.

Mom and child go surfing on the endless grains of sand (I am not kidding you!). They lie on a flower-covered hillside. They sit toasty-warm enjoying hot chocolate (or maybe mom had some fresh coffee and a wee nip as she sits with her wee nipper, who knows!) and watching countless snowflakes outside. They go camping under myriad stars. They go frolicking in a wheat field - for which the farmer probably won't thank them, but don’t you just want to do that same thing?!

No matter where they are or what time of year it is, they’re always together, always communicating. The text is confident and loving, supportive and realistic, despite it being soaked liberally with the obvious exaggeration of a parent or guardian's love for their charge.

I loved this positive and affirmative story and I don’t doubt that children will too.