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Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Untamed Scoundrel by TT MacDangereuse

Title: The Untamed Scoundrel
Author: TT MacDangereuse (no website found)
Publisher: Penguin
Rating: WORTHY!

Based on a Cartoon Network series, this is one of a pair of charming middle-grade books which were well-enough written that they entertained me, too, and I'm closer to middle-age than ever I am middle-grade! The other is Queen of Rogues. These stories are only about 130 pages each, and pretty much double-spaced, so that makes them more like 70 pages - a very fast read. I got them both from the library, but I plan on buying these for my kids to read.

I have no idea in what order these were published, and from a purely reading PoV, it really doesn't matter since they're completely self-contained and not at all chronological, but I read this one first, for no particular reason. I was more impressed with it than I was the second. Perhaps that was because I found this one to be a complete riot, whereas the other seemed slightly darker by comparison, and rather less humorous.

This one features the Untamed Scoundrel, aka Sir Jacobus Gooddog, who actually is a dog, and who has a faithful hu-manservant known as Finnish Biped, and who is more like a partner in crime than ever he is a servant. The scoundrel's parents want him to quit womanizing and gadding about, and settle down, and they've organized a ball to which all the eligible ladies of the land are invited and who have been informed that Sir Jacobus will choose a bride at this ball.

The Scoundrel and Finn decide to turn the ball into an extreme fighting arena, the winner to be the one Sir Jacobus marries, but when everyone arrives, things start going badly for The Scoundrel (the food fight doesn't help), until he spots Lady Rainicorn (who is a unicorn with rainbow skin), and who is accompanied by a woman dressed all in black, whom Finn and Sir J identify as a witch.

Before the Scoundrel can work his whiles upon the rather shy Lady Rainicorn, she and the witch have left, and Sir J and Finn chase after them, stealing a boat from the harbor so they can sail to the island where the witch is quite obviously holding Lady R as a prisoner. It's far from plain sailing however, and a rather large surprise awaits them on the island - something even a magic haggis cannot resolve.

This story had me laughing from page one, and kept me laughing all the way to the end. It's a complete riot and so off-the-wall that it had to be moved outdoors for the action to continue. I highly recommend it.

You can read the first chapter on the Amazon website.