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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Swing by Miasha

Title: Swing
Author: Miasha
Publisher: Infamous (no website found)
Rating: WARTY!

You know when a novel's first line begins "The way his shaft was rubbing against my clitoris" and it's all in block caps, that this story is going to be raunchy as all get out, but that's not what bothered me. The problem was that this novel is only raunchy! It had nothing else to offer - at least not in the first third of it, which was all I could stand to read. It really takes some skill to make a novel about sexual encounters boring!

The story details the exploits of four couples: Tori and Kevin, Danielle and Stewart, Juju and Ferrari, Lyssa and Jacob, but their exploits consist solely of performing sex, thinking about sex, arranging sexual encounters, and talking about sex. There is nothing else going on here at all - not in their world, and not in their minds. There is no descriptive writing here, no atmosphere, no idea of where these people live, what their surroundings look like, what kind of people they are or what kind of life they lead - other than sexually. It's all boring all the time and not even in a good way!

In short, there's no story here. It consists solely of the author checking-off her list of euphemisms for "penis", "vagina". and "Vulva" to make sure she uses them all and never uses the same one twice. Any hope of a decent plot (or even an indecent one) was forlorn. The only "plot" was that, hey, Tori and Ferrari have the hots for each other - and they're not a couple. I care.

I can't recommend this one at all. It's completely flaccid.