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Monday, April 27, 2015

The Snarls by Becca Price

Title: The Snarls
Author: Becca Price (no website found)
Publisher: Amazon
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Tanya Gleadall.

This was an amazingly inventive story that makes me wish I'd thought of it myself. It takes those annoying hair tangles and snarls, and personifies them; then it romances this idea into an amusingly exaggerated tale of woe.

Tangles will get you if your hair grows long and you don't spend the requisite time caring for it, but if you really let it go, then the Snarls move in and not only set up home, but build cities! There's no end to their industry!

And there's no end to the giddy passion of the author in detailing their exploits in this crazy tale which reads more like a cascading poem than a simple prose story, with the exaggeration building and building until you wonder how the author is ever going to get out of it.

I have to recommend this because it's so fresh and whimsical, and it really does make you want to go wash and brush your hair out, which for children prone to playing in the dirt, and running around having fun, and climbing trees, and so on, is definitely a good thing!