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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Where Do Ghosts Go When They're Not Spooking and Scaring? by Allira Bell

Title: Where Do Ghosts Go When They're Not Spooking and Scaring?
Author: Allira Bell (no website found)
Publisher: Amazon
Rating: WORTHY!

Illustrated by Tim Carter.

I like children's books to have some educational content, but not many of them really do. However, there is another category of education that doesn't involve spewing out facts, and that's exactly the category into which this one falls: it's not a factual book by any means, but it does make kids think, and stimulating imagination with fun concepts, even wacky ones, is a worthwhile aim, if it's done right. I'm pleased, therefore to be able to review two books by the same author (and not un-coincidentally, I suspect!).

This one asks the very spooky question; what is it, exactly, that ghosts get up to when they're not haunting you? I know you yourself must have been haunted by this question! You must have asked yourself this - because hoo-oo-oo else would you ask?! I mean seriously, I think we have a right to know! We don't have a ghost of a chance of understanding these poor souls if we don't learn more about their activities!

So the author speculates extensively. Do they turn into mush? Do they hide? Do they nap? Maybe they ghost write books? Actually, she doesn't ask that last one (at least not in so many words), but she should have. I wonder what she's hiding? Is it a con-spirit see?

So yes, this is an important book that every child should know about. Keep on hand for next Halloween. It's actually not that far away, and Beltane is only a week or so away as of this posting!