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Sunday, May 24, 2015

21 Down Volume 4 by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray

Title: 21 Down Volume 4
Author: Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Publisher: Warner Bros
Rating: WORTHY!

Volume five begins with Preston taking his evidently disabled and aging friend Sam down to the beach for a walk (or in Sam's case, a wheel) in the pouring rain. He ends up telling him everything that's been going on. Disturbingly, Mickey Rinaldi shows up and asks if they're talking about her. Is she stalking Preston? Spying on him?

Meanwhile a homeless person reports the discovery of two dead bodies - females, found in a bed stitched together with a legend above them on the wall reading "I want to be judged". This harks back to volume one, where Preston entered info on a website with a name reminiscent of that same legend.

Preston and Mickey, having conveniently been out in the rain, now get to strip down to their underwear in Preston's apartment. She puts on one of his T-shirts, and suddenly, they are kissing up a storm - literally if the image is to be judged! What's she up to?

Again the story moves fast, offers suitably intriguing revelations and teasers, and the artwork is the same high caliber as always. The thing that bothers me about comics is that they're so short, and then you have to wait a month until the next edition comes out and you can continue the story. I am not a fan of series, either as novels or as comic books. This is, of course, the advantage of buying graphic novels, but even those, which used to be self-contained, now come in series. Another alternative is to do what I inadvertently did, which is to fail to discover this series until long after it was issued (like over a decade after!) and then being lucky enough to find all the editions you want when you do discover it. After four volumes I still recommend this!