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Monday, June 1, 2015

Ex Machina Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan

Title: Ex Machina Volume 3
Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Publisher: DC Comics
Rating: WARTY!

Pencils and covers by Tony Harris
Inks by Tom Feister
Colors by JD Mettler.

Well, I had a good run with Ex Machina - two whole volumes I enjoyed, but the third, well, the third fell flat for me and I just didn't feel like reading any more after that. Time to move on to something more engaging. The art work was fine, but I don't read the comics for the art work - that's like frosting on the cake for me, but the cake's the thing, otherwise it's just meaningless - if pretty - pictures. I read them for a good story, and if that isn't there, then there really isn't much left.

This series started out great, but volume three was like entering a different universe. It wasn't as witty, as engaging, as devil-may-care, as irreverent or as funny as the previous two volumes. I don't know what went wrong. it's like the writer lost track of what he was doing or where he was going. The artifact, which had figured large in the previous volumes was essentially irrelevant here. Why?

In addition to that, the previous outing was a mad rush through assassination attempts and all kinds of other entertaining issues, and now this is like Mitchell finally made it to some cover and feels so scared to venture out that the spends the entire volume cowering down and staring blankly at the wallpaper!

The best plot idea that can be scared-up for this volume was that Mitchell has to do jury duty. Hello, he's the mayor! And you know it's bad when the only other thing going on is flashbacks to parent issues. It was truly sad, and I can't bring myself to read any more of this series at this point.
