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Friday, July 10, 2015

Goo and Spot in the Great Zoo Escape by Elsa Takaoka

I negatively reviewed a children's book from Elsa Takaoka back in April 2015, so it's nice this time to positively review one. This is a fun story and a sneaky way of teaching the days of the week to young kids.

This isn't the first time that the snake has tried to escape, but it's always failed. This time it undertakes some long-term planning, calling on the aid of many other animals in the zoo as each day passes by, laying down a plan carefully, until finally it manages to get free, stowing away in the child Goo's back-pack.

I have to say that Goo might have shown a bit more honesty, because he effectively steals a snake from the zoo. Also a word about respect for how deadly some snakes can be would be in order, but in this case, the story was good enough and fun enough that I felt I could let that slide this once.

Besides, it all works out in the end when the snake becomes homesick! Once again Catherine Toennisson is the illustrator and does a fine job with the scenery and the animals. All in all a colorful, fun, and educational read for young kids. I recommend this one.