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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Goshena: Queen of the Big In-Betweena by Chuck Bright

Rating: WARTY!

The July smack-down continues with Goshena and Lady Marciana Soliven up for consideration. Just like with the Marvels (Captain and Ms) yesterday, both of them smacked themselves down. No winners today! The art work was black and white line drawings by by Maureen Burdock - was functional but not really appealing to me. Story was tedious. I mean really tedious.

Goshena is supposed to be some sort of handmaiden of the afterlife, whose job it is to collect bodies from the grave and walk them over to the other side. She's objectified to the max even though she's drawn be a female artist. With her latest acquisition, Goshena seems to have a problem in that maybe this guy was murdered by his significant other. Why this is a problem from her perspective isn't at all clear.

The story, told in several "chapters" was barely acceptable right up to the point where Goshena picks the guy up, but immediately after that we got a series of chapters where there was a confused mess of things going on. Some disembodied voice from the fog was talking to the guy who was smart-mouthing while listening to his mom and dad at the graveside, bemoaning his fate.

The story went completely into the toilet at that point. There was far too much text, average to poor illustrations, and nonsensical writing. The text was a problem because on the iPad in Bluefire Reader, it was all but illegible because it was far too small. I wouldn't recommend reading this in ebook form. It was passable in Adobe Digital Editions, but only on a reasonably large monitor. I can't speak for the print version.

The story did nothing to engage me or to draw me in. I quit reading it about one third the way through because it simply wasn't interesting to me, nor was it amusing or entertaining. I honestly can't recommend this one.