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Friday, August 14, 2015

Alice Cooper Welcome to my Nightmare Volume 1 by Joe Harris, Brandon Jerwa, Eman Casallos, Nacho Tenorio

Rating: WARTY!

On page 23 (in Adobe Digital Editions), one of the characters asks, "What's going on?" and at that point, coincidentally, I was asking the very same thing, because nothing I had seen or read to this point made any kind of coherent sense. Maybe it was Alice's nightmare while he lay unconscious, his snake talking to him with tediously stereotypical extra 'S' letters in the words, but School's Out for the count on this one. Hello! Hooray? I didn't expect billion dollar babies, but I was hoping for - but through long, sad experience not expecting - something more original in a comic book series about Alice Cooper. Instead, all I got was a Halo of Flies. I admit that the Vincent Price look-alike was mildly amusing - even as it remained a cliché.

The entire comic - at least as far as I read, which as just over half way through - was a nightmare, and not in a good way. Nothing made any sense. There was no story except for the antique and tenuous thread of a Faustian bargain which trickled unimpressively through it. It consisted of one image after another designed to shock and consequently completely lost its shock value in short order. It became quickly boring and not worthy of Alice Cooper. At that point I decided that life was too short and this too long in the tooth. I cannot recommend it and it ain't gonna be Elected! So, no more Mr Nice Guy! Go listen to Alice Cooper's music instead. It's much more entertaining.