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Monday, August 17, 2015

Junction True by Ray Fawkes

Rating: WARTY!

I didn't like this graphic novel, of which I read an advance review copy. The story made little sense, and we were given no justification or motivation for any of the characters' actions. Futuristic-sounding buzzwords were tossed into the mix without being defined or explained in any way, which didn't help. The art work was not particularly great, either.

The story is that a blogger suddenly decides he wants to join with a celebrity quite literally. He wants an illegal operation to render himself literally dependent upon her such that he must be physically linked to her for nutrition. If he's separated from her for more than a few days, he will die. He's her pet and puppet. She owns him.

Of course this neither starts nor ends well, and yet there are no consequences before, during, or after this illegal conjunction of bodies (not until the end) for being thus conjoined, even when this couple appears in public. The story made no sense whatsoever. It wasn't interesting or attractive to read or to look at, I have no interest in pursuing this story, and I cannot recommend it.