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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Moving Pictures by Kathryn Immonen and Stuart Immonen

Rating: WORTHY!

This is an odd little graphic novel that caught my eye at the local library. It's drawn in what I like to think of as film noir style - white with heavy black inks, appropriate to the subject matter. We're in France at the outbreak of World War 2, and the Germans are assaying the French art collections. Two Canadian women have been working to package and catalogue the collections, but now one of them has gone, and only Ila Gardner remains. It would appear that a small work of art has gone missing and the German interrogator is questioning her about its absence. This creates the frame which houses the landscape of this tale - an exploration of art, of displacement, of people going missing along with the art, of ownership, loss, and regret.

I'm not sure I understood the ending, but the journey there was worth it regardless. I really liked this story and I recommend it.