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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Webster's Bedtime by Hannah Whaley

Rating: WORTHY!

This short young children's book was a great idea in my opinion. It teaches children that staying up late playing with electronic devices isn't a good idea - because the devices need to get their rest too! Told in rhyme, it's a nice way to work it!

Webster is a spiderling who has a veritable plethora of electronics, from phone to games to pad. When his mom tells him it's bedtime, he resorts to that age-old children's ruse - the negotiation. I won't make a sound he claims. Any parent knows how well that works. Even if it were true, it still didn't address the issue, which wasn't the noise, but the lateness of the hour.

Webster has a harder time trying to rationalize his behavior when his toys start complaining that they're tired too, but he does give it the old college try. Or in his case, as a youngster in several quick images, maybe it's the collage try? He offers to read to the electronics, sing them a song, tuck them in, but the smart phone, as you would expect, objects. Sharp arachnid that he is, Webster quickly realizes that the only way to deal with this is to turn them off so they can recharge, just as sleep will recharge him.

Illustrated amusingly by the author, this colorful book represents a practical and fresh approach to addressing modern parental concerns. If you can teach children that electronics are their friend, and just like their friends, have to sleep regularly, then it's likely to be a lot easier prying Gameboys and controllers and pads out of kids hands and luring the kid into a good night's sleep, too. I liked this book and recommend it.