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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians by Brandon Sanderson

Rating: WARTY!

I had previously favorably reviewed two Sanderson books, The Rithmatist in September of 2013, and Steelheart in March of 2014, but this short audio book rubbed me up the wrong way from disk one, and I was going to give it another day, but when I picked it up just now to make some notes, I simply could not stand the thought of putting it back in the drive when I had other books waiting in the wings, so out it goes (back to the totally excellent local library).

The first problem was with the reader, Ramón de Ocampo. His reading voice just made my skin crawl. It felt like he was saying, in a subtext, "Hey! Check out how wonderful I am, going over the top with this novel!" I couldn't stand to listen to it even had the book been good. In that case I would have got the print or ebook version and read it myself, like I did with Vampire Academy. That option was out though, becuase the actual text was jsut as bad as the reader's voice. It felt like the aiuhtor was hitting me over the head with every word he spoke, and it was jsu tthe worng tone, the worng voice, too stupid for words.

I don't know what the plot is, other than grandpa, orphan Al, and evil librarans, and I really don't care. I can't recommend this book.