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Saturday, October 10, 2015

www:Wonder by Robert J Sawyer

Rating: WARTY!

I negatively reviewed WWW: Watch by this author back in November 2014. At the time, when I had just started reading it, it sounded good, and I found another in the series at very low cost and bought it. After the first book went south, I kept putting off even attempting the second one, but I recently decided to give it a try just to get it off my shelf - literally in this case since it was a print book. I found it was just as obnoxious as the previous volume had turned out to be, so I quit reading it after only a few pages and moved onto something else that has turned out to be quite engrossing. Life is way the hell< too short to keep gamely plowing through a novel which simply isn't doing it for you. Drop and find something better. It's never a mistake to move on.

My problem with this volume was in the way the Internet intelligence speaks. It's first person PoV, which is too often worst person, but it's worse even than that because, as the previous volume made clear, the intelligence reads Shakespeare and unaccountably adopts a Shakespearean tone which is antique at best and laughable at worst. The fact that this AI uses it is such a joke as to be unreadable. The first encounter with this was at the start of chapter three, just fifteen pages in, where I read, "I remember having been alone - but for how long, I know not...eventually another presence did impinge upon my realm." Tell me that's not the height of ridiculousness! I'm sorry but I can't take this seriously and neither should you. I cannot recommend this.