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Friday, November 27, 2015

Evil Fairies Love Hair by Mary G Thompson

Rating: WORTHY!

The title of this novel made me laugh, so I decided I would like to give it a try, and fortunately, the local library came through for me yet again. I for one welcome our librarian overlords!

I was not disappointed when I started reading this either. The story is so quirky and takes itself so seriously in a comic way that I couldn't help but fall in love with it, but could it maintain my interest? Well I had to wait and see, but with every page I read, I became more confident it would not let me down, and in the end, I loved it.

This is the kind of novel that made me wish I'd thought of it first. It highly amused me, and made me want to keep on reading. The characters are well drawn (as were Blake Henry's illustrations) and the main character, Alison Elizabeth Brown Butler, was adorable, determined, strong, focused, and smart - in short, one of the kick-ass female characters I love to read about.

I loved that Alison was so determined, resolute, and would not give up even as the ground shifted under her. I also loved how thoroughly naughty the imps were! The obsession with hair, the evil imp leader's plan, the ambition of the children in pursuing and maintaining their wishes, the changing allegiances and the indeterminate ending were all brilliant and I loved every little switch and change as the story unfolded. I recommend this one completely.