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Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Awkward Owl by Shawnda Blake

Rating: WORTHY!

Awkward is itself an awkward word with the 'wkw' - I mean how weird is that? The owl was really a turkey vulture (it was all a misunderstanding), but this story isn't awkward at all; it's charming, and it is about an owl - a young one who-who hasn't yet got full control of his faculties. He flies backwards and upside down and bumps into trees while other owls swoop and flutter on silent but deadly wings.

Fortunately there's a little girl who is understanding (and sadly nameless), not critical or fun-poking, and she helps the owl until he can grow a little more and not be the Jar Jar Binks of the owl world. I found the drawings in this story to be a hoot! The tale was amusingly sweet, ruffled no feathers, and was gentle and easy, and full of promise. I recommend this one because it dared to be inventive and different.