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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Doodle Adventures: The Search for the Slimy Space Slugs! by Mike Lowery

Rating: WORTHY!

This is a really cool idea to get children totally involved in reading. Of course, it doesn't work in ebook form at all! The book is, in some ways, a do-it-yourself adventure, except that in this case, the adventure is laid out, and the reader has to illustrate it in places here and there, set aside for this very purpose. There are lots of pages for kids to draw on, and lots of different, weird and fun things to draw. I could imagine myself having a lot of fun with this were I of the right age. Maybe even were I not!

The story is about space slugs - duh! - which are causing all kinds of mayhem. You, the reader, are thrown into this at the deep end because the actual agent who is supposed to take this job fails to show. Carl the duck(!) us your advisor, and if you think that's quackers, you're right, but at least he doesn't demand to be addressed as m'llard.... The question is, can you find the missing artifact? And what's in it? Why is it so important? Do you really want to know?

There's one oddball adventure after another here, all crazy and fun. The slugs turn out not to be so bad, so it's nice to see a negotiated ending, and it's nice to see some slugs are helping Carl and the reader. I liked the story. It was fun, enticingly gross in places (it's slugs!), and interesting for the age group. It had lots of doodle opportunities and the doodles are a doddle. Apart from the word 'terribly' misspelled with an extra 'e' on P102, the text was good. I recommend this.