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Monday, February 15, 2016

Towers Falling by Jewell Parker Rhodes

Rating: WARTY!

This novel is aimed at middle-grade readers. I requested an advance review copy because it looked interesting and invited me in with this: "As the fifteenth anniversary of September 11th nears, Towers Falling explores the thought-provoking question of how kids born after 2001 can find meaning in events they have no personal memory of, but which still have a monumental impact on their families, educators, and communities." The problem was that by the time I got to fifty percent through this story, the twin towers had been mentioned a sum total of pretty much one time. The rest of the story was about Deja settling in as a new student at school. There was nothing new here, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the twin towers. I failed to see the point of another 'new kid on the block' story which has nothing new to bring to the table.

While technically this was well-written, from the point of view of telling the story it claimed to be telling, it went nowhere - not in the first half of the novel, and by that time I had lost all interest in reading any more about a rather self-centered main character who had nothing new or interesting to say. I can't recommend this novel base don what I read.