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Monday, April 4, 2016

The Honk of Zagonk by Pat Hatt

Rating: WORTHY!

Yes, the name of the story, the name of the author? odd, huh? But this story - about finding your place and fitting it as well as standing out was a sweet one. In poetic quatrains with colorful pastel pictures, the story of Zagonk the dragon who couldn't blast fire, but could honk like a giant goose stands out as both amusing and informative. Zagonk doesn't have a chance of winning the dragon flame contest because he flamed out, yet when the frost giant comes, freezing all the flames the dragons can blow, only Zagonk can save them with his ice-crushing honking!

This was a sweet and entertaining story for young children which was amusing and encouraging and teaches that you can get where you want if you make the most of what you have. It was just about readable on a smart phone, but probably better on a tablet or in the printed format. I liked it and recommend it.