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Monday, January 16, 2017

My Snowman Paul by Yossi Lapid, Joanna Pasek

Rating: WORTHY!

Written in rhyme by Yossi Lapid, and illustrated beautifully by Joanna Pasek, this introductory book to a Snowman Paul series for young children seems like it will be fun for the appropriate age range. Young kids love to make friends and have fun, and an unusual friend who brings a little bit of turmoil and adventure into a child's life sounds like he would be quite appealing.

Snow lay thick on the ground in Dan's neighborhood, and though he itched to go play in it, he was hesitant to head out and start building snowmen because his neighbor, Bill thinks they're lame. Personally I'd be more afraid of an attack from Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons as Bill Watterson would have it, but each to his own! Dan heads out and in the absence of critic Bill, he starts in on a huge snowman, but quits before he adds the head when he sees Bill out in his yard.

The snowman, however, has other ideas, and demands his head be placed properly, What can Dan do but comply? And this is how you literally make friends! I think this was a fun story and I liked it, but I don't recommend trying to read it on a phone. The images look wonderful, but the text is ridiculously small, so this is probably best read on a tablet or in print form. Unless of course your kid can't read, in which case offering the phone to keep 'em happy is a convenience because they can enjoy the images. As long as they don't start calling the weather forecaster on your dime to ask when it's going to snow!