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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Lix and Basta by Brian Rathbone, Mark A Gilchrist

Rating: WARTY!

This was another ill-fated excursion into this author's work. It was illustrated by Mark, a Gilchrist, and is a young children's book written by Rathbone in rhyme. The story is about two dragons in a world where dragon cooperation isn't a thing. One kind likes to hoard stones which contain crystals, the other likes to hoard cows. There's a tradition of raiding each other's stocks and stealing, because if a dragon can't get access to what they need, eventually they'll lose their color and turn gray (gray evidently isn't a color in this world). When they turn gray they turn to stone and that's all she smoked.

The two young eponymous dragons collide while out on a stealing expedition and are whisked away to another word - and that's where this teaser ends. This rendered it an annoying read which didn't seem to be going anywhere interesting. Maybe kids will like it, but for me it was as drab as the color that the failed dragons turn, and while the artwork wasn't bad per se, it wasn't all that either, so I can't commend it, and I guess after two fails in a row, I'm done with this author.