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Monday, August 31, 2020

The Book of Heroic Failures by Stephen Pile

Rating: WORTHY!

This book is an hilarious list of failed attempts at various endeavors, and is divided into sections covering assorted general topics such as The World of Work, Off Duty, Law and Order, Playing the Game, The Cultural Side of Things, The Glory of the Stage, War and Peace, The Business of Politics, Love and Marriage, Stories we Failed to Pin Down, and The Art of Being Wrong.

Within each section, there's a paragraph or two about an unfortunate individual or entity that tried to achieve something and failed spectacularly in one one way or another, such as, in that first section, for example, "The Least Successful Explorer" and "The Least Successful Circus Act," and so on.

Some of these are merely amusing while others are laugh-out-loud funny, and there's everything in between. There are some two hundred pages of these entries, such as the Nigerian Laborer who manually altered his paycheck from the original nine pounds and change to over 697,000,000 pounds and of course failed. There's Edward Edwin Foot, the poet who could not write a line without adding footnotes to explain the words in it. There's the HMS Saintes, which fired at a target being towed by a tug, missed the target and hit the tug, sinking it, and on and on.

I commend this as a truly amusing collection of failures.