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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Out of the storm by Avery Gale

Rating: WARTY!

This author's name sounds equally improbable, but at least the title doesn't suck. My first observation, taken from reading only four sentences is that the main guy, Kyle West, is a complete dumb-ass. He's out driving in a storm and is seeing horizontal rain. If there's a worse sign of a nearby tornado at night than that, I don't know one. Get the hell to shelter NOW, moron! The next sentence tells us the road is so wet that he's in danger of hysroplaning. Then slow down dipshit!

As soon as I learned Kyle is also an ex-Navy SEAL and this is another dom story, then I'm out. Sorry but the ex-Navy SEAL motif in novels is so overdone that it has charred, blackened, solidified, and welded itself to the oven, and the oven has caught fire from it and burned down the neighborhood. Get a new shtick. Please. This author has three stories in here, but one was way-the-hell more than enough to put me off her for life. A veritable gale she is not.