Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Warranted Pleasures by Shannon Nemechek

Rating: WARTY!

This author starts out by telling us that a warrant officer (hence the play-on-words title) was sent by the general of the division to investigate property loss at one of the 'smaller companies'. I don't know what that means. A division is led by a lieutenant general or a major general, but a company is several steps down the heirarchy and is typically lead by a captain, so why is a division CWO being set to investigate property loss? It makes no sense. What - there was no one in that entire chain of command below division who could have investigated this?

A company is normally around four platoons, but a transportation company - which this one is - tends to be larger - maybe twice as large, so what the author means by 'one of the smaller platoons' is a mystery. Anyway the CWO is picked up at the airport by a female - of course - and he immediately begins objectivising her despite being her senior officer. "He wondered how she ended up in Chicago and not down south where women like her were appreciated." That's where I quit reading this trash - on page four. The fact that the author apparently didn't know the difference bwetween a muumuu and a cow lowing twice was a contributory factor. I cannot remotely commend this, which is bad in a Coronavirus environment because I'm sure as hell not going to intimately commend it....