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Saturday, November 28, 2020

A Devil's Chaplain by Richard Dawkins

Rating: WORTHY!

Coming off the release of yet another children's work of fiction, and before I start on the next, it's time to look at some non-fiction print books that I've owned for a while, read some time ago, and never got around to blogging. These will all be science-based works, mostly about evolution, that have been useful to me, educational and helpful.

It's been a while since I've done battle with the idiot creationists, the main reason being that it's a waste of time. There is no creation science. It does not exist in any way, shape, or form. There is creation religion - blind belief unsupported by any evidence - and it's a waste of time arguing with those who swallow those lies, because there is no amount of fact, or evidence, or science, or truth that you cam set before them that will ever impact in any way upon their brainwashed hive mind. But if you want to take on that hopeless challenge, or evne just be better armed to defend your own scientific views, these are some of the boosk you might find useful to have on your reading list.

This is a collection of Dawkins's essays and is divided into sections containing ramblings on various topics with section headings such as "Science and Sensibility," "Light Will be Thrown," "The Infected Mind," "There is All Africa and Her Prodigies in us" among other topics. The essays, of which there are over thirty, cover a variety of subjects including evolution, fossils, ethics, religion, and as the book cover suggests, "reflections on hope, lies, science, and love." While this is not my favorite of his works, and may be a bit far ranging for some readers, I commend this as a worthy read for anyone who wants a complete collection.