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Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Breach by Bronwyn Leroux

Rating: WARTY!

This is described as volume 0.5 of the 'Destiny' series, which is supicious enough, and once again we see it starkly highlighted as to why series are a pile of crap for the most part, and why first person voice typically sucks! I made it through only two chapters before I couldn't stand to read any more of this disaster. The main character, Aiken, who for some reason I thought was a woman at first, is unstable, and we launch into the story right at the point where he appears to be having some form of a panic attack, but he's telling us about it in first person, thereby losing all credibility for me. People don't do that. They can't do that! They can’t both have a breakdown and calmly and logically describe it as it happens. The writing was awful.

The story is about Aiken's life in this nondescript 'community' which seems both modern and ancient at the same time, so that lost credibility for me. The guy is out hunting animals in the forest and later they're talking about having "lunch" - seriously? I read (after he'd sliced a deer's throat open): "It doesn’t take long to sling her carcass over the carrying pole." A carrying pole? The author is apparently unaware of how much a deer weighs. Try 100 - 200 pounds. And he slings it over a pole and carries it along with the other critters he's trapped? Garbage. No wonder he's named achin'! LOL! If there had been two guys, then yeah, maybe they could have carried it on the carrying pole between them, but he's alone! So why even have a carrying pole?

That's when I decided I’d be better off reading something else that was A. intelligently written, and B. not a lousy story. I can’t commend this at all based on my experience of it. This is also my second Bronwyn Leroux encounter and the first was just as bad so I guess I'm done with this author now.