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Friday, November 20, 2020

Little Red Sleigh by Erin Guendelsberger, Elizaveta Tretyakova

Rating: WORTHY!

This was a sweet book written by Guendelsberger and finely-illustrated by Tretyakova which relates the charming story of the little red sleigh who sets out to find fulfilment in life. It was really well put-together, and I appreciated that nothing was done to try and anthropomorphize the sleigh: it was always a sleigh and always looked like one. It never pretended to be anything different, but still it had a personality which came through to the reader.

I guess if you wanted to be perverse, you could argue that maybe it would have been a better story if the sleigh had been represented as trying to better itself, but that fact is that it was doing exactly that, even as it remained true to its purpose and I liked that. It wanted to be the best it could be at what it was, and that's inspiration enough. I commend this as a worthy read.