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Friday, January 1, 2021

Erasing Death by Sam Parnia

Rating: WARTY!

The title of this was misleading because he's not talking about erasing death, merely putting it off for a while by learning ways to bring back people from near death by applying the latest scientific and medical advances to keep them alive and fully functional, and some of what's known is counter-intuitive. That much was interesting, and there were many parts of this book that were quite engrossing. Unfortunately the author has larded the rest of the book with so much rambling, back-tracking, historical story-telling, annoying repetitiveness, and so on that in the end, I can't commend this as a worthy read.

The book could have been maybe a third the length it is, and would then have made for a solid read, but it seemed to me like all the author was interested in doing was stream-of-consciousness direct to paper with no editing. It rendered what could have been a truly interesting and informative book into a tedious effort on my part in skimming pages until I found something new and original and engaging to read. As it is, I can't commend it at all.