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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Knight Life by Peter David

Rating: WARTY!

Publisher's Weekly calls this reimagining of King Arthur’s story a “hilarious romp." I guess that tells me all I kneed to know about Publisher's Weekly, going forward. The story sounds stupid to me, and completely senseless. The idea is that "After disappearing from Avalon, King Arthur returns - and is running for mayor of New York City! Reuniting with his friends and trusty advisor Merlin, Arthur prepares to stand his ground as familiar dark forces threaten his campaign"

Why? Why New York and in what world would New Yorkers elect an Englishman as mayor? It's just stupid from the very concept onward, and since Merlin and Arthur were not actually contemporary (except in later fiction, the idea of them working together is nonsensical. Set in the USA, and written by an American writer, look for this to bear zero relationship whatsoever to any legend of Arthur.