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Sunday, July 4, 2021

Fate Bound by Madeline Freeman

Rating: WARTY!

The title is a no-no, right out of the gate. Any title of the form "____ Bound" is an automatic rejection right there. It's particularly amusing that the title "____ Bound" in this case is written by a Freeman! LOL! "When Ava survives a deadly attack, she wakes up as both a werewolf and a vampire" - how original! "but the supernatural community hates hybrids." Why? "Can Ava’s alpha, Jack, find a way to keep her safe?" Who gives a flying fuck what tired trope stock character Jack the Alpha can or can't do? It's the most tired and over-used go-to name ever. And why is Ava yet another useless female charcter who needs rescuing by a guy? Madeline, do you truly hate your own gender that much?