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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Hope Defined by Shannon Humphrey, SY Humphrey

Rating: WARTY!

The book blurb makes this novel sound interesting but book blurbs lie. This one started out on the wrong foot with me by having everything taken to extremes and too much slang in the speech to find it remotely interesting to read. The story is that Hope is your trope weird outside kid, up against the class queen bee, and it’s a tired trope that this novel didn't promise anything different to ameliorate.

There's a sci-fi element to this which you don't usually find in such stories, but I never got to that part because I was so turned off by the writing in the very earliest pages that I DNF'd it. One example of the poor writing is right up front and it's the double reference to a boy who was talking to the class about a project he'd done. Twice he's described like this with the space of a couple of screens: "He stood behind a podium and talked as confidently as if he had discovered a cure for cancer."

The book also features drop caps which do not work, not in a ebook. Keep your text as simple as possible because if you don't it will get screwed up, especially if you make the mistake of getting the Kindle version, which I don't, but the drop caps still cause problems, so all around, this was a no for me.