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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Premonition by Leigh Walker

Rating: WARTY!

Another first volume in yet another pointless series. I made it only 25 screens into this when I read the following: "Josh seemed nice, but he was definitely weird. Still, he'd called me his friend, and friends were something I'd been in woefully short supply of at Hanover High...I started up the stairs. That's when I saw him."

Immediately it was clear that this was to be yet another stupid high-school love-triangle story that would be exactly like very other stupid high-school love-triangle story that's been done endlessly over and over again, ad nauseam. What, exactly, is the point of copying a story that's already tedious in the extreme? Barf. I mean what does it signify that this unimaginative author is merely rewriting the same basic story that scores of other YA authors have doen before? Yes, obviously, it means that she agrees with me that the other stories were shit, so she wants to do it better - at least I hope that was her intention, but this only begs the question as to how she went so badly wrong and fell so far short of the target by producing a cookie-cutter replica of every other story? How is it better when it's exactly the same?! I give up and I gave up: I quit right there and then.

I don't even know why I started this because the blurb should have warned me: "Riley thinks she’s heading off to boarding school — but to her surprise, she’s enrolled in an elite training program run by a top secret government agency." I'm guessing Riley's a dumbass. "Unsure of why she has been chosen," Yep, she's a dumbass all right. "...she’ll stop at nothing to uncover the truth" So Riley does nothing under the mistaken belief that if she stops at nothing, then the truth will be uncovered. That's definitely the first of a series! LOL!