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Friday, August 13, 2021

Pushing Up Daisies by Katherine Hayton

Rating: WARTY!

It's never a good idea to take the title of a wonderful and amusing TV murder series and use it for something else. The unoriginal plot here has it that, "When her boyfriend fails to show up for tea, fiftysomething widow Willow Foxglove" Willow Foxglove? Seriously? " a little disappointed - but her disappointment turns to horror when she finds his body in her garden! With the local authorities blaming her for the crime," Right because all murderers just leave their victims lying around in the yard. "...can Willow and her two best friends prove her innocence?" is that a serious question? Once again, it's not up to Willow to prove her innocence. It's up to the authorities to prove her guilt, which is going to be hard to do if she's not guilty. But her meddling and interfering will make her suspicious, not render her innocent. Another waste of time.