Thursday, September 23, 2021

Bounty Hunter by Olivia Voorhees

Rating: WARTY!

This was Black Annis Origins, number 3, and was coincidentally the third of these that I've read. They're all really short stories, but I did not read them in any kind of order, and I'll read no more now, because they have been universally warty and have actually put me off reading the next novel in the series.

I liked the Black Annis story, but these prequels were a literal waste of my time. This one was particularly obnoxious because the bounty hunter was a thoroughly unlikeable self-centered jerk. The following quote should tell you all you need to know about her. To put it in context, the BH has a shootout with her quarry, and ends up decapitating the guy, taking his head with her in her car as proof of death, but the head contains a bomb. Rather than simply throw it out the car, this fucking moron ejects using a James Bond style ejector seat. She had a parachute in a wrist band (seriously?) so she comes to no harm, but here's what she says: “I shed a tiny tear as the Camaro burst into flames and crashed into oncoming traffic" In other words she doesn’t give a fuck about what happens to anyone else as long as she's safe. That's where I quit reading this.