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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Mangos & Mistletoe by Adriana Herrera

Rating: WARTY!

"Arriving in Scotland," Yawn. How many times has this been done before? "...brooding pastry chef Kiskeya" Yawn. "... is determined to win the Holiday Baking Challenge, a reality TV competition!" Yawn and barf. Christmas in Summer? And why is it always Scotland or Ireland? Or England of France if it's a murder mystery. Why is it never Wales? "Original" is still a word in the dictionary, right? You can find it if you look for it, right? Sometimes I really wonder, because it seems to me that while these authors do have a thesaurus for looking up new euphemisms for female sexual organs and related body parts, they never ever, ever look in a dictionary at all. Go figure.