Thursday, September 23, 2021

Maybe: The Complete Series by Ella Miles

Rating: WARTY!

"An explosive complete trilogy from a USA Today bestselling author" Explosive diarrhea more like, because goddess forbid an author should write a standalone when they can milk one story over three volumes! Barf. "To inherit her family fortune, Kinsley must agree to certain terms — including marrying a domineering stranger, Killian. But after their first meeting in Las Vegas, passion erupts!" Of course it does, because hell no to having a strong female character in a female-authored romance novel! Hell-to-the-no that we should have a story about a woman who rejects this offer and makes it on her own, which would be a far more engrossing story than this tedious, drawn-out, repetitive shit ever will be! Maybe the complete series. Maybe not! Who knows? Who cares, really? Hella miles on this tired old story.