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Monday, September 6, 2021

Murder in an Irish Village by Carlene O'Connor

Rating: WARTY!

Another 'Irish' book by another O'Connor who again isn't Irish. She hails from Chicago. It was really the 'quaint' that got me on this description: "Murder turns a quaint town on its head when Siobhán O'Sullivan stumbles upon a well-dressed corpse - seated at a table in her family's bistro!" The quaint says to me that this will be yet another condescending look at the Irish. Maybe it won't be, but I lost all faith in it from that alone. The title doesn't help, and this description: "If Janet Evanovich and Maeve Binchy wrote a book together, Murder in an Irish Village would be the result" really turned me off because I'm not a fan of either of those authors and even were I, I wouldn't trust that this author could emulate either of them much less both together. So essentially, the description failed to do its job - again!