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Monday, September 20, 2021

Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy

Rating: WARTY!

Way to trash a symbol of peace and love, Tom! Name a terrorist group after a rainbow. Or is the six referring to the SEAL team - who are all gay? Now that would be a story worth reading, but this, this is Tom's same old shtick. From "the wildly popular author of The Hunt for Red October" which was published three decades ago and this is the only recommendation the blurb can give him? This is because Tom Clancy isn't even in the top 100 American authors in terms of book sales, let alone world authors, so how is he 'wildly popular'? Lewis Carroll outsells Tom Clancy and he's been dead for over a century. "Navy SEAL veteran John Clark must take down a terrorist group with the power to annihilate the entire human race." Ri-ght! Yawn.