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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Solatium by GS Jennsen

Rating: WARTY!

This seems to have been my month for reading novels which have a title starting with 'S'! This was your standard short teaser introduction to a series which left me unmoved and unimpressed.

The book description for this is dishonest. It says, "Though humanity conquered the very stars, it remained unable to conquer the darkness within." So we’re conquering stars, but "He’d intercepted her as she pilfered a stack of disks from a merchant kiosk" we’re still using disks?

That struck a sour note right there, but I read on because it was so short, and discovered that the next bit of the description, "a young woman who's lost everything but her soul fights to reclaim her life from a violent, sadistic criminal despot" is bullshit too. She does nothing. She's a maiden in distress rescued by a couple of white knights who want to take down her cruel overlord for their own purposes! All she does, essentially, is to get out of their way! They ostensibly use her to get the layout of the building for their assault, but what, they're conquering stars and yet they have no miniature spy drones they can send in there? The telegraphing of the relationship between the girl and one of her saviors is pathetic and I lost all interest in having anything to do with such an unimaginative and predictable series in short order.