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Friday, October 1, 2021

A Lady's Guide to Gossip and Murder by Dianne Freeman

Rating: WARTY!

All this authorls tiutles appear to be int he tedious format of "A Lady's Guide to _____ and Murder." Yawn. And they all appear to be as bad as each other: "While the rest of the ton retreats to the country, American-born Frances Wynn, the widowed Countess of Harleigh, decides to stay behind in London for some well-deserved quietude." Because heavens forbid we should ever have a story set in another country and have no Americans involved! involved. Barf. And everyone knows how much quieter it is in the crowded stinking city than in the pristine isolation of the countryside. "But when her friend is murdered, can Frances find the killer before it's too late?" Too late for what? To still find the killer? To buy a new dress? To be spoiled rotten? To be stay rich? Barf.