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Thursday, October 14, 2021

Bringing Stella Home by Joe Vasicek

Rating: WARTY!

Novels that feature a woman's name in the title are almost inevitably bad. Are there more such novels featuring a woman's name than there are a man's? I suspect there are, which would make for an interesting study. "James McCoy, the youngest son of a starfaring merchanter family, never thought he would face an invasion. But when an undefeated enemy slags his homeworld and carries off his brother and sister, nothing in the universe will stop him from getting them back." Um, sheer distance? Writers of these space operas never imagine for a minute the energy costs of interstellar travel - they just wave a hand and it all goes away! But here's the thing: why do these aliens give a shit about this dude's brother and sister when they've apparently wiped out a whole world? And how was that possible? Again, there's an energy crisis here but the real issue is that both his brother and his sister - in that order - were abducted, so whence the female-slanted title? Yawn.