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Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Crazy For A Geek Girl by Nicolette Dane

Rating: WARTY!

I quit reading this as soon as I read "But because I’m kind of girly, a lot of people don’t see it." - What they don't see is that she's a lesbian. While I do share a preference for women, I'm not a lesbian and I cannot speak for them, but for me I found this offensive that the implication here is that lesbians can't be girly, which I know for a fact is entirely untrue. It's like the author expects us to accept that all lesbians are macho and butch, which is bullshit. I couldn't stand to read any firther beyidn that point. The story seemed obsessed with geekiness abd very ltitle else other thans ex, so once again there's no romance here, and no sensuality. I had the disastisfying feeling that this was going to be about falling in lust, not in love and that doesn't interest me.