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Sunday, October 17, 2021

Eliza Starts a Rumor by Jane L Rosen

Rating: WARTY!

"Brimming with charm, Eliza Starts a Rumor is everything I look for in a book" according to Emily Henry. I have no idea who the hell that is, so why should I care what she thinks? There's no one on Earth who knows me well enough to reliably predict whether I will enjoy a novel or a movie or a TV show. Even I can't always be sure if I will go for it, so it sure as hell isn't someone I never heard of who is oging to nail it! Fictional books with a woman's name in the title, no matter what the genre, somehow tend to be the most uninteresting of novels. They're not the same as those featuring a female prominently as a character, but without posting it in the title. It's like the least able writers know their limitations, and feel forced to put a woman's name in the title in desperate hopes of attracting interest. "For empty nester Eliza, her local Hudson Valley virtual bulletin board keeps her sane" This is how boring this main charcter is! This is her life? No thanks! I don't want to hear about it. The fact that the idiot book blurb writer even describes her as an 'empty nester', like that's a quality, is insulting. And who the hell is called Eliza anymore?