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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley / Beauty and the Professor by Skye Warren

Rating: WARTY!

Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley

"To save her father, Beauty must live with the mysterious Beast - who teaches her that there’s always more than meets the eye" So a free, antique fairytale is retold with not a thing new added and we're expected to buy it? Barf.


Beauty and the Professor by Skye Warren

"Erin is secretly in love with Blake, the man whose house she cleans to pay for school — but he has been badly hurt by the outside world. Can she convince him that he deserves happiness… and pleasure? A sizzling twist on Beauty and the Beast" And the same story as the other one. The exact same story in fact. Unimaginative, cookie-cutter trash. Period. Skye Warren? Really? No wonder I don't trust any author's name to be real!